Monday, November 12, 2012

A Parade Follow-up

Okay, so it wasn’t a Wright Flyer.  But I was close.  Our 2013 City of Leavenworth Veterans Day Parade flyover was a biplane. You read that correctly.  A biplane. Have you ever seen a flyover by a biplane?  You could have read War and Peace in the time it took to fly across the parade route, and the city is only eight blocks wide.The rest of the parade went as expected, except for one pleasant surprise.

Our AHG troop stopped at the reviewing stand. We turned as a group and saluted the flag. Then the girls sang the first verse of “God Bless America.”  A large contingent of soldiers from Fort Leavenworth sat on the reviewing stand.  Every time an American flag passed the reviewing stand, the soldiers stood and saluted.    Since we stopped to sing, they remained standing, holding their salute.  There was one soldier in his dress blue uniform.  He was an E8 or E9.  I noticed that he was softly singing along with the girls.  He was the only soldier who joined in the song.  It was fun to watch. 


Linda said...

nice :)

Michelle said...

Very nice!! So glad you didnt have to resort to alcohol to make it through the parade route!! hehe!

I'm so glad that the girls got to see those soldiers respect their singing! What a wonderful experience!

have a great weekend!

Rose ASL said...

I don't know why more people don't join in the songs. Do they really not know the first verse of our national anthem? I mean, being homeschooled, I know all four. Yes, four. (Although the third is pretty unethical by modern standards and I can see why it's not sung.) Surely the first isn't asking much...